Fostering Cats & Kittens
In 2020, we rescued 450+ cats and kittens. Our fosters are critical to saving these lives. Learn how you can become a lifesaver, too.
Foster Information
Open your home to help!
In 2020, we rescued over 450 cats and kittens. So far this year, we have surpassed the number of adoptions over this time last year. We couldn’t do it without our network of lifesavers, who are better known as fosters. You can become a lifesaver, too.
Whether you are eager to bottle-feed neonatal kittens, take in rambunctious kittens who are already weaned, or care for an adult or senior kitty that’s been surrendered to our rescue, we always need good fosters. Fosters are crucial to our program and we couldn’t do what we do without them.
Think you don’t have room to foster? If you have a spare bedroom or even a spare bathroom, you can foster. An orphaned kitten is certainly better off in your bathroom than out on the streets by itself.
Think you can’t handle getting attached then having to say goodbye? Ok, the truth is, it’s not always easy. Sometimes our fosters even cry after they say goodbye to a kitty they got especially attached to. But, when our fosters see the photos and videos our adopters send us of the kitties so happy and loved in their homes, there’s nothing more joyful or satisfying. Ensuring a lifetime of love, care, and happiness for the kitties is worth a few tears, don’t you think? You will never do anything more rewarding than fostering.
Each foster assignment is temporary; exact timing varies but we are always respectful of your circumstances and needs.
Cat Tales retains all rights and responsibility to find the foster kitty a forever home. We pay for all vet care but only at Main Street Animal Hospital in Doylestown. We ask our foster homes to supply the food and litter.
If you would like to foster for Cat Tales, please click the button below to apply to foster.

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